
Saturday 28 June 2014

Heldrake conversions part 4

The long awaited 4th installment...

I'd not done anything on the heldrakes for a while as I'd been waiting on a Tentacle Maker from Green Stuff Industries (which actually arrived a few weeks back). Which of course, in true Tony of Nurgle style, I then left untouched for several weeks.  This is a) a great blog, and b) a great tool.  I'd highly recommend it. The only minor quibble is that the shipping to the UK is currently hella expensive, but the good news is, they are working on getting this tool stopped in indie stores in the UK (I've been asked by GSI if I know of any reliable outlets and recommended Element Games and Dark Sphere).

Anyway, long story short, last night's game got cancelled, so I thought I'd have a couple of beers and roll out some tentacle goodness (not a euphemism).  As you can no doubt tell, I've still got a fair way to go on this one. There's a lot of vacant space on this here Vargheist body that I will try and disguise by adding more cables. I do still want lots of gaps, but at the moment it's looking a little too "wasp-waisted" for my liking.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Vindicare Assassin 3D sketch for INQ28

The Vindicare Temple is one of the temples of the Officio Assassinorum. The motto of the temple is Exitus Acta Probat, "the Outcome Justifies the Deed." Vindicare operatives are the most skilled snipers in the Imperium of Man and are usually directed to assassinate targets who are believed to have been possessed by daemonic entities or to have been corrupted by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.

This is another sketch for use INQ28. It's as simple as kit-bashes get.

The entire body structure is from a space marine scout sniper, and the head is from the new Tempestus Scions kit.

This image forms part of the inspiration

Monday 16 June 2014

Eversor Assassin 3D sketch for INQ28

For quite some time now I've been both curious and keen to give INQ28 a go. It seems like a great opportunity for conversions and narrative gaming. Before the experts laugh too enthusiastically at my "noob" status and poor explanations  - I've never played this or even looked at the rules.

For those that know even less than me, INQ28 seems to be a homebrew hybrid rule set based on Necromunda (a specialist skirmish game that used to be produced by Games Workshop), but also encompassing the rules for Inquisitor (another specialist game that used to be produced by Games Workshop). Inquisitor had a small range of models produced for it at a larger 54mm scale, although as I understand it, no scale was specified for playing the actual game.  Again, as I understand it, the lack of terrain available at 54mm scale resulted in people playing the game using the more familiar 28mm scale, which has the bonus of providing a wider variety of ready built terrain as well as terrain kits, and of course a plethora of miniatures.

Anyway, less of me talking crap about something I've not really read up on. Here are some pictures of an Eversor Assassin I put together earlier on.  The torso, legs and gun arm are from a space marine scout, the head from a chaos warrior, the neuro-gauntlet arm is from the chaos marines raptors kit, the vials of combat drugs from the Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine, and last but not least, the hand on the gauntlet arm is from a chaos marine.

Sunday 15 June 2014

By daemons be driven

Following on from the proxy Soul Grinder the other week, I've been stripping paint from old miniatures, re-discovering stuff in old boxes and the like...

Daemons of Nurgle incoming...
This is The Old Death from Enigma Miniatures

Good innit?

These from Maxmini.EU will make a herald and Nurglings

Gratuitous Nurgling bases and old Plague Bearers

and more

and more

and more

Gawd, yer don't sweat much fer a fat lass