
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Denizens of the Garden of Nurgle #3 (W.I.P) - Dark Age of Sigmar

Very unfinished business here... hopefully get a couple of hours in at the weekend...

Thursday 20 April 2017

Denizens of the Garden of Nurgle #2 - Dark Age of Sigmar

As your world falls into ruination, all I see before me is holy possibility in thrice-blessed Nurgle's name.

So this is a second bizarre toad-slug-centaur-thing that came out of  an idea based on an idea based on an idea and so on. This chap is somewhat taller than his predecessor, and third is in progress as we speak. All three to be accompanied by four beings as yet to pupate...

Friday 7 April 2017

Denizens of the Garden of Nurgle #1 - Dark Age of Sigmar

Decay. Entropy. Suffering. All are as prayers to the Father of Plagues.

So this is some kind of bizarre toad-slug-centaur-thing that came out of  an idea based on an idea based on an idea and so on.

Lord of Change

Apologies for my somewhat prolonged absence...

 I recently developed a bit of an obsession with the great adversary, Tzeentch.  It's led to me trying to do a paint job on this 3rd party LOC which I (loosely) based around the weird parakeets that haunt the skies of South London.

It got a bit out of hand, and it started to take on something of a more crocodilian aspect. Anyway, this is what eventually emerged...