
Sunday 26 January 2014

World Building part 1

Any of my three regular readers will be able to tell you two facts:
1. I visited Warhammer World in December
2. I am working on putting together a gaming table and scenery

With this in mind, I thought I'd share with you some photos I took of some of the impressive gaming tables I saw on the day. The attention to detail is impressive...

Love this abandoned excavation of an Eldar artifact going on in the back corner

Here, the Mustard King, Stevie Boxall can be seen examining a pot of mustard

This desert board looks great, but must be pretty boring to play on

I'm into this Tau outpost in the midst of a jungle swamp.


  1. If you can pull off a table full of stuff like these pics show, then I can't wait to see! (And I believe you can. So there.)

    1. Oh dear god. I wish I had the time, skills and inclination to do this.
