
Monday 17 November 2014

Plague Bearers, Herald of Nurgle, and full army shots

Although it's been kind of fun, it's something of a relief to be finally done with painting all these Daemons. It's also been an unusual experience for me in that:
1. I completed a project
2. It didn't take me a lifetime.

Having said this (and I think I may have hinted at it before), I do have ideas in mind for all the new Nurgle kits that got released for End Times.  Quite when I will get around to buying / doing this work, who can say?

The plague bearers I've been working on are a mix of the most recent metal ones from a good few years back, with a couple of older sculpts thrown in.  There is a bit of light conversion work to produce some Icon bearers, and they've all had their tabs cut off in order to mount them on resin bases (lots of sawing - urgh).

I had been intending on attempting to replicate the scheme I had used for the previous batch of plastic plague bearers, but I've either forgotten how to do it, or there is some bizarre difference in quality between plastic and metal that can cause paints to react differently. Obviously the latter is likely to be science I've just made up...  Anyway, the crux of the matter is, I tried something a bit different, and on several of the models went for a bit of a more abstract application of glazes and washes. I think they roughly tie in with each other, which is the most important thing. They also don't look out of place next to the plastic plague bearers either. Relief.

The herald is a proxy, which is produced by MaxminiEU, I can't remember for the life of me what the thing is called, but it's of little importance. It seems to more or less do the job. I have to say that I don't like the model as much as I did when I bought it (at Salute around 2 or 3 years ago). But hey, i was doing this whole thing on the cheap remember....


  1. Woot! Fully painted! Congrats mate!

    Love the use of washes to get these skin tones. I may well have to steal that for my own demons.

  2. Well done! It's pretty rare for me to finish a project... a fellow can dream, though.
