Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Pox Walkers- quick and dirty

Salutations, pals. I took a quick and dirty approach to razzing out some pox walkers. Well, it should've been quick anyway. In reality, I grabbed a bit of time here and there over a couple of months, and this is what came out of it.  Apologies for the egregious over-exposure from camera flash on the majoirty of these, but the lighting was terrible.  The first 4 were taken without flash, so the bits with gloss varnish in the mix, are less offensive. If I get round to it, I'll try for some better pictures soon...

Spot a guest appearance from Mol as a pox walker. I even managed to get his bionic arm and tentacles in there for added dynamic realism. Norf!

Monday, 14 May 2018

Denizens of the Garden of Nurgle - slug-toad-centaur "things"

Hey all.  As promised weeks ago, here is the post nobody was especially waiting for...

These three form the final parts of my Denizens of the Garden of Nurgle crew for DAOS28 or whatever the cool kids are calling it these days.  Basically it's a massive picture dump, so sorry or something.

Brewed up from the previous incarnation of Beasts of Nurgle, spares from Putrid Blight Kings, Maggoth and Glottkin stuff, plus half a page fly sans appendages.

Et voila! as the French chap might say...

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