Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Ulcer of the Abstruse Sector - Great Unclean One of Nurgle

Over the past few weeks I've been doing a little work here and there to finish off my Great Unclean One, who will be known as The Ulcer of the Abstruse Sector. For none shall know the True Name of this foul denizen of the warp, and thereby bind it into service...

I've had this model for ages, and had painted it previously (some 6 years ago) to a much lower standard.  When I decided I was going to try and put together a mono-Nurgle Daemon force some time ago, along with a load of other stuff, it went into the paint stripper.  After a rebuild, re-pin and re-fill on the gaps, and a lengthy little  at a time paint job, here is the finished (apart from varnishing) beast.  I think I enjoyed painting this a great deal more than I did the previous time. Maybe this is partly due to increased confidence in my skill level (slightly improved from a few years back), and maybe partly due to a better understanding of colour (he was green last time; the folly of youth). But most probably because of taking steps in using new techniques (newish to me at least) like not drowning everything in bucket loads of wash, and instead applying it a bit at a time, in the right places, and also gaining a bit of confidence with glazes...

I've done some pictures in normal lighting (which came out a little dark), and also some further shots with flash, which show (hopefully) the colour transitions and glazing effects a bit better. Apologies if they are a bit glarey, but I took them with my phone.  In fact, why am I apologising? If I really meant it, I wouldn't publish them.  Feel free to ponder that one out to your hearts content should you wish to do so.

Tried to put a filter on this picture. You can now more of less tell what's in it!

These flash shots do unfortunately pick out the small flaws in the basing (now corrected)

Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Lazarine, Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Quite some time ago (obviously this will be at least 2 years since - usual Tony of Nurgle standard practice), I picked up the fantastic Old Death model produced by Enigma Miniatures with the intention of making it into a Daemon Prince of Nurgle.

I really like how the static pose of the creature implies loitering in the background (waiting escort the damned to Hades or some-such), while the wind swept robe adds a nice sense of movement. If he was a bit taller I'd maybe think of him as Mortarion as Daemon Prince. Perhaps it would be a more accurate reflection of a Grave Warden elevated to daemonhood.  Either way, I think he adds a nice touch of visual variety to my mono-Nurgle daemon army...  I've named him the Lazarine after a form of "spotted leprosy".

Monday, 6 October 2014

As the wails of tormented souls echo about the desolate landscape, a horrific apparition lurches into view...

This is my interpretation of a Herald of Nurgle on a Palanquin. In theory it can be used as such, or as a suitable stand-in for Epidemius.  It's a kit bash idea I've had in mind for quite some time, asides from the finer details.

I should take the opportunity to thank Tim (Fulgrim) from The Tears of Istvaan for kindly donating most of  a Vampire Counts Corpse Cart kit. So er, "mad props, yo" (or whatever the youth say these days).  I rounded out the missing bits with a bit of cut down and melted sprue (where one of the stumbling corpses attaches to the yoke of the cart; a head from the ever popular Empire Flagellants kit; and a random zombie arm I had laying around (it might be from a Kings of War zombie or a GW one - can't remember which).  The other key addition to the cart is the widened platform at the back where old Rotten Chops himself stands. This was created from them wooden stirrer things you can pick up in Costa coffee shops. Apologies to Costa for robbing their stirring sticks.

These here are some photos that I took. Sorry that they aren't the best quality...

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